Various Remarks at OakShow and Their Meanings

Based on it's performance and nature we at OakShow gives 4 different remarks to each Movies/Series/Games/Books, we introduced this concept from July 24th 2018 since we believe that giving a remark to a movie will be helping the user to identify the movies whicha re critically aclaimed or not, the various remarks and their meanings are as follows.

Remark Meaning
Shielded/Must Watch Shielded/Must Watch, OakShow gives this verdict to every movies/series/games/books which were able to get a minumum of 80% of the maximum ratings. by giving this verdict OakShow is saying that anyone could watch/read/play and enjoy it.
Safe To Watch Safe To Watch, Every movies/series/games/books which falls under the category of aquiring 60% to 79% of the total ratings will get this verdict. Giving this verdict OakShow says that you can watch/read/play it without fear but not everyone might be able to enjoy it to the core.
Average/Above Average Average/Above Average, Movies/Series/Games/Books with a minimum of 50% to 59% gets this verdict,and they probalble are 1 time watchers/readers.
Watch it at Your Risk Watch it at Your Risk, Those which scores 49% and below get's this verdict.